Let's Talk SMAC!
The Southern Missouri Arts Connection, founded in 2014 by Donna Rastorfer is a local non-profit bringing the arts to the Southern Missouri community. As a local center of creativity, artistic education, innovation and community partnership, SMAC is committed to improving quality of life in and around Taney County and connecting individuals with the arts for the benefit of all. SMAC’s collaboration with local artists, businesses, and government has resulted in over 100 enrichment activities hosted in from 2018- present, including low-fee arts enrichment classes, workshops and art engagement events.

The vision behind the SMAC artist studios is to bring local artists together in a collaborative and communal space where they can work and inspire one another creatively. Mainly giving artists a safe and functional space to push the boundaries of their art outside the home.
The chair of studio operations from the SMAC board of directors manages SMAC artist studios. SMAC artist studio members are expected to work independently and are responsible for all aspects of their work. Sharing is the key: Members share their experiences, knowledge and maintenance of the overall work area.
Although no minimum hours are required we encourage artists to make use of the space as much as possible.